
This blog is a way for me to document my journey to personal and spiritual freedom. I call it moving from success to significance. You know, the idea of chasing money rather than chasing something of value. It really depends on what you want out of life—for me I want to add value. So I am a pastor, entrepreneur, husband, father, and visual artist. I will share the lessons I am learning and have learned with those who are interested. I believe the blog will help me be more intentional with hitting my goals, while providing you with an insight on how I achieved them. If you’re interested in the various details of how to make all of these things work, stick around. I like to keep my post bite-size and easy to consume and/or share.

Letter To My Son

Letter To My Son

Every father wants his son to achieve his goals and dreams! Dads want to create tasks to challenge their sons to understand work, but not make it so hard to get.  To me it was important to show my son how hard I worked. Today, African American men don’t have room for...

Today’s Word: Consistency

Son, Today, I want to talk to you about one word. If you could master this word it will change everything in your life for the better. Yet you have to be careful with this word, because if you do it wrong, it will cause hardship and frustration. Most young men...

My Church Planting Journey

My Church Planting Journey

About 20 years ago my wife and I were serving in the church where I accepted Christ. At my church, we got married, we had children, and I was called into ministry. After serving there for many years, I became very uncomfortable and discontent about the direction of my...