About 20 years ago my wife and I were serving in the church where I accepted Christ. At my church, we got married, we had children, and I was called into ministry. After serving there for many years, I became very uncomfortable and discontent about the direction of my life. I began to question everything around me. My uncertainty caused a huge challenge of faith. I tried to ignore it at first, but I was not successful. I was forced to seek God for an answer to my situation. It was then that I discovered the Lord purpose for my life. He wanted me to plant a church. I thought this idea was totally preposterous since there was nothing in my past that suggest that I had the skill set to accomplish such a task.

It wasn’t long after I discovered what God wanted me to do that we moved to another church. While I was there I served as the Children’s church coordinator, the assimilation group leader, and the church’s marketing coordinator. My wife and I also learned about outreach and how to build a stronger marriage. Even while we were serving this church, I continued to battle discontent. I tried to work through it, but the discouragement was too great. After eleven years of serving at that church, I went back into prayer to inquire of God what he wanted me to do. I submerged with the same thought of planting a new church.

Shortly afterward, I began to embrace this assignment, but I knew I would need help. I carefully asked the Lord to send me mentored. I needed someone who could help me become a church planter. What was amazing was the swiftness of God’s answer. After five years of mentoring, my wife and I set off to plant a new church.

By this time we knew that the central theme behind this church plant is love. We were on a mission to demonstrate the Love of God. Over the years we have served the church we have seen many people come to church and leave the church. Our assignment was a simple task called love. We believe that love changes everything! We believe that it is our assignment to reach as many people as possible with the love of God. We were called to find them and love them.

Our assignment would include going ‘out to the highways and the hedges and compel them to come in so that my house will be full.